30 days to an organized life


Do you have that feeling like you are forgetting something? How often do you ask yourself “What in the world did I do today?” How about the sensation that you just aren’t accomplishing what you need to so you can be successful? Forget planning ahead, right? Who has time for that? I know the feeling. I have so much on my plate, so many things to get done, so many people counting on me. Gah!


Finally. Something that works.

Combining the best ideas from MANY years of training in time & project management, essential lessons in leadership to those gorgeous bullet journal posts on all the social media outlets, I created a plan that WORKS. Best of all it doesn’t take a lot of time and it’s FUN! In 30 days, you will learn simple techniques that will help you organize all the important things in life. Regardless of who you are, where you are, your age or even your profession… You WILL learn to make the most of your day/week/month using these tips.

 And since it’s free, what do you have to lose?

Joining the program is easy.

All you need is 30 minutes a day, a Journal Mate™ from my shop. I do all the heavy lifting, by curating awesome content on my blog daily. It starts on Jan 1.

If you need daily prompts (you know, a little kick in the tush), sign up below and I'll send you a daily reminder - OR follow me on Instagram @StitchesByLeslie and you will see it in your feed.

Any questions? Reach out…. Leslie@Stitchesbyleslie.com!

YES! I want to crush my goals in 2018... Sign me up!

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