Day 16 - Vision Board


With your Yearly Goals defined and broken down into tasks within a month and week period… Now is a great time to create a Vision Board! This is a tangible place where you will use images to represent your goals or intentions. You can now visually see the goals you want to obtain, giving them life, making them real.

You will use the very front of your Journal create your Vision Board!  You can certainly use another part of your Journal, I have seen this done however this is why I recommend the front:

  • It’s the first thing you will see when you open your journal. You will glance at the work you put on the vision board every time you open your journal. Repeatedly looking at something

  • The journals that come with the Journal Mate (and lots of other journals on the market) have a thicker cardstock on the inside cover that is PERFECT for this. You can glue things to the page, paint, marker, etc without worrying about it coming through the pages

Finding your images

There are plenty of sources all around you that you can use to gather images and text from to create this Vision Board. You do not have to spend a dime - although I get it if you do!

  • Old glossy magazines and inky newspapers you are piling up to recycle is one awesome source! Include both PICTURES AND TEXT.

HINT: Take text of all shapes and sizes and make phrases. Cut out quotes. Build your own vacation scene with mountains from one photo and a lake from another. Have fun.

  • Go through old family albums or your nightstand drawer for those awesome photos of those favorite people or places in this world.

  • Look for stickers you may have on hand

  • Post it notes that you can tape in and write your favorite quote on

  • Print out an image from the web or type your own quotes in fonts you like

  • Scrapbooking supplies are awesome as well - see if your scrapbooking friend would share some supplies

  • If you are looking for a reason to shop, check out your favorite Office Supply or Craft store for options

NOTE: Stick to flat items. I would refrain from using anything that is thick or lumpy. This is the front of your book and you want the cover to lay flat when the book is closed.

 Let's Build It!

Once you have your pile to choose from, let's go through and refine it by pulling out only the visuals you really want to use.  

"Notice how you operate during this process. If you suddenly become a perfectionist (Must. Make. Great. Vision. Board.) this may clue you into how you operate in other areas. If you give up half way through, this might tell you something about yourself, also. Don’t judge, just observe. Learning about ourselves this way is powerful."

  • Now that you have your chosen images and text, let's get them attached to the front of your Journal. Options for attaching include:

    • Double or single sided tape

    • Elmers Glue Stick

    • Washi Tape

  • I would encourage you to include other art mediums to this page. Some options are:

    • Paint

    • Pen

    • Color pencil

    • Marker

  • Leave some space to add along the way - you DO NOT have to fill up every space unless you want to.

Using it

With the Vision Board at the front of your journal, it should be easy to look at regularly.  I would recommend that you actually "Hang out with it" from time to time. Think about what the images represent to you and how you are working towards making them a reality. I would also encourage you to update the board along the way, adding new words, fortune's from cookies, new photos, etc.

All of your goals and dreams are within reach, you simply have to define paths to them, and then plan the steps to walk those paths. With a Vision Board, you can see these goals as true possibilities, not things you wish for or dream of!


Leslie Grossman is the founder of Stitches By Leslie, Inc. and the creator of the patent pending Journal Mate. For more information, reach out